Letters to the Editor

Letter From the Editor – Issue No. 4


That said, this issue is just about the articles we’ve written this past couple of months that took place in and around Los Angeles. It will continue to grow and there will never be a shortage of things to write about in this city. So to the city that holds my heart, thank you for always embracing me even when you spit me out – because hey, that’s just part of being in this city – AND in this industry – thank you for showing me the world in one central location. Thank you for welcoming every ethnicity, every economic range, every color, every shape, every size, every smile, every story, every bite, every culture, every artist, every musician, every struggling actor, every wanting filmmaker, every theatre enthusiast, every remarkable human being.

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What is HATE.


HATE. A word that just makes you feel dirty. Ashamed. A society living in a veil of confusion and fear using their own prejudice to alienate and isolate. The only thing we need in this world is one thing. Just one: LOVE. There is a song that is now playing loudly all over the airwaves by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis featuring Mary Lambert. The lyrics are impossible to tune out because the truth that pierces through every spoken word is the most honest profoundly necessary truth this world is hungry for.

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