Mom’s Day Mantra
[dropcap letter=”M”]other’s Day is a day when the world pauses to celebrate the women and their sacrifice to raise their children. That statement is important … “raise children”. When the moment comes and motherhood calls your name, the world becomes a very different place. Suddenly those late nights, college parties, spontaneous getaways? They take on a whole new meaning because now, everything you do impacts your kids. The moment you hold your newborn or hug your child for the very first time, your heart really does grow bigger.
So today while we celebrate our mothers and our children celebrate us, let’s all agree to one thing:
Today may we do NO dishes.
Today may we eat everything that breaks our diets.
Today may we stay in our pajamas if we want to … ALL DAY LONG.
Today may we enjoy a 20-minute cup of coffee.
Today may we hug and kiss our kids without being told, “Gosh, mom! Enough already!”
Today may we have champagne before noon – without any scornful looks.
Today may we remember that we are beautiful and valued.
Today may we look down on that c-section scar with fondness and joy – because they pulled a human being out of that!
Today may we laugh really loud, watch whatever WE want on TV, and may we look at our kids and simply say – with conviction – “Because I said so.”
Today may we also remember that nothing feels quite as good as when our children look at us and smile.
Today may we say, “Make your bed” without any rebuttals.
Today … may we pause and smile because these little people are an extension of us and they make this world a better place.
Today, your mantra is simple:
Happy Mother’s Day to every woman out there who loves with all they are, without any restraint! You rock!
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