LiveFire Challenge AUSTIN


Last night I arrived in Austin. Bags in tow, rental car picked up, freeways mastered, and the long FM 150 to Highway 1826 and voila! Salt Lick BBQ, Pecan Grove Pavilion. I arrive to attend the Food & Wine Alliance 3rd Annual Event: Live Fire Challenge! Beef Supremacy & Fire Mastery. With a long line of very talented chefs and pastry chefs, the palate was eager to taste and hungry to satisfy. I tasted just about everything and in the end, it was Sway Thai that won me over.

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Mathieu Bitton


There is a striking honesty that moves through every image and it’s apparent fearlessness really does incite a rather beautiful curiosity. With images of iconic entertainers like Bono, Lenny Kravitz, Mos Def, Sean Lennon, and Quincy Jones blended with nude that show you the vulnerability, strangeness, fear, sensual prowess, and uncertainty in each of his subjects allows for a familiar raw and primal undertone…

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Sebastian Junger


We talked for an entire hour delving into everything from the Arab Spring, Serbia, war, politics, elections, family, truth, hope, and touched on his assignments as a contributing Editor of Vanity Fair. It was an hour that opened my eyes, informed me, and awakened my political passions. We talked about Tim Hetherington, but above all the hour gave us all insight into why Sebastian is the journalist, writer, filmmaker, and man he is …

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Shana Halligan


Imagine a voice that stirs the very essence of song, incites so much emotion with a single note, embodies strength, sensuality, and sweetness, and writes some of the most exquisite songs I’ve ever heard. That is Shana Halligan. Introduced to her music 4 years ago, the minute I heard her I knew she was someone entirely authentic.

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A Taste of Dawn RADIO April 10th


Today’s Show was about Living Life Happily and Expressive: The Theatre, Comedy, Food + Wine, Travel, and Humanitarians that change the world through the Arts.

I had a week that invigorated so many parts of my soul. Music, Broadway, passion, life, food, wine, good company, and the reminder of everything in life that matters so much to me. Above all – I lived. We need to all just envelop the things surrounding us. Regardless of how fleeting or momentary, just enjoy those tiny inescapable moments before they vanish. Live every moment because you – You are – NOW.

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Gwen Stefani Style Icon


More than just a girl, Gwen Stefani has blossomed from her humble beginnings as the lead vocalist in Ska band No Doubt playing greasy garage shows on the weekends to a worldwide fashion icon. After recording a solo album, winning World’s Best-Selling New Female Artist in 2005, debuting her own clothing line and starting a family of four, she still has time to live the platinum blonde life.

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“Story of the life of Hugo Schwarts, a fictional Jewish comedian from the Galician shtetl of Belz. We follow his successes, hart-breaks, marriage, love affairs, children, laughter and tears…

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Zinque Abbott Kinney


A fairly delectable selection of wines, small plates, fresh ingredients, and this rural rustic chic kind of atmosphere, I stumbled upon a rather perfect place. I wait. Patio is insanely busy but the restaurant, not so much. And I wait. And I wait. But eventually, sunshine (my happy server) comes over and asks me what I want. To begin, you have to give a credit card. Much like a bar, you open a tab or pay and close. A bit different but hey, better than someone drinking too much and not being able to pay I guess. And so, I relent. I begin my curiosities by ordering a glass of Grenacha, Evodia from Spain, vintage ’11.

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Brasserie Cassis


I am obsessed with all things French: the language, the country, the attitude, Marie Antoinette, and, most importantly, the food. Julia Child, who I also have a slight obsession with, brought the simplistic elegance, and ridiculously delicious, essence of what real French food is all about to the American audience. It wasn’t just the hoity-toity, über expensive fare that most Americans thought it was; it is really about the ingredients and the fatty, acidic, pure flavor of exquisite French dishes.

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Looking Back on Love – LENNY KRAVITZ


Directed by Artist, Photographer, Producer, and Music Man, Mathieu Bitton, every shot is honest and gritty – no concealed perfections. Told in a fragmented voice that embraces the moments caught through the lens, the poetic narrative strung together by raw moments not only tell a story in a way that I find refreshing, Matthieu – an artist in his own right – propels us into a world both dynamic and real. He shows us the many sides of a man. A musical icon. A dreamer that captivates the gentle hum buzzing within us all – that need to find love in everything.

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The Oscars Symposiums 2013


“A filmmakers’ journey is never dull or without challenge and that, well – that – restores my faith in the world of art. Film is that beautiful world that invites us in to one another’s lives, imaginations, and complex humanity. The cinema, the arts – they feed us all, individually, collectively, and purposefully. They strip down boundaries and beg us to have an open mind.” – Dawn Garcia. Screenwriter, Lover of Film.

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Shana Halligan


Before I introduce this in-studio performance, this one has to begin with a story. First, this is one of my favorite artists of ALL TIME. And I don’t say that lightly. SHANA HALLIGAN. I was first introduced to her music in 2010 while online searching for creative websites. A site had this music on there – sexy, melodic, sultry, playful, and incredibly writing worthy.

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The WRAITH by Rolls Royce


Imagine a hum. A dark forest. And a woman. The coarse cold air rushing through the trees, the sharp turn of curiosity looming around you until everything in you begins to pulse and suddenly that faint hum is now a roaring beckon. And then that hum gets closer. Closer and closer, the forest falls silent as the hum becomes a beckoning purr. Within moments, lights come into view and something inside of you feels compelled to want. Open your eyes … now welcome The Wraith! – DG, ATOD

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A Beautiful Mess


Life has taken so may twists and turns and I have no doubt it will always keep me on my toes. This article may be dated and at a different point in my life and path but it’s message is still so very relevant. This just goes to show you, you never know what life has in store. Throughout my struggles, it led me to create this Magazine and soon evolved into a Radio Show. Live your life, embrace YOU. Be okay with who you are, what you struggle with, and never ever lose sight that there is beauty in all of it.

– Dawn Garcia

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